"You little brat, hurry up!"

Su Ya's addiction flared up again, and she lifted her legs high, actively cooperating with me.

However, the position of lying on our side was inherently difficult, hard to penetrate, and her butt was super big and super fat, so it was very difficult to pry into her Peach Garden, which took quite an effort on my part.

"Ah! This feels so good!"

Once I got inside, Su Ya screamed in ecstasy, her voice piercing the air.

And I, too, trembled with pleasure, feeling an even tighter embrace than before; once I was fully in, I couldn't help but start moving.

"You little brat, this feels even better than before, doesn't it? Mmm! It's so comfortable, I've never done it like this before, you little slut, you're really something!"

"Ah! Your Great General feels so good! Mmm! I love it! It's super big!"

"You want to come inside? No way!"