
Sucking on Sister Shiyi's enticing red lips, sprawled on her fragrant and soft body, I comfortably moaned nonstop, feeling my whole being soar in ecstasy.

It was just too comfortable!

We both loved each other, and just holding and kissing like this was extremely soul-stirring, simply sublime!

"Xiao Chen!"

Xia Shiyi called out to me again, her beautiful eyes half-closed, already dazed and entranced by my kisses, her sexy body gently writhing beneath me.

"Sister loves you so much! Sister feels so uneasy, so hot. Could you take off my clothes for me?" she panted, coquettishly pleading with me, her voice seductive to the extreme.

In a surge of excitement, I immediately stood up and took off her overcoat. Beneath was a white wool sweater, stretched tightly by her surging waves, as if ready to explode.

Grabbing the hem, I lifted it up to reveal a white lace bra and two generous mounds of tender white, partially exposed, which made me gasp for breath.