So beautiful!

I stared, utterly mesmerized.

Just like Sister Shiyi, an incredibly beautiful slit, equally tender, no wonder last time, without the lubrication of dew, I couldn't even push a finger in.

"Dr. Chen, you... don't look at me like that... I... I'm shy!"

Tong Xue glanced at me, trembling incessantly, her eyes filled with extreme shame.

At this moment, her top was lifted up to her shoulders, and her pants were pulled down to the middle of her thighs, leaving all the beautiful scenery completely unreserved, displayed right before me.

The full and perky breasts, the beautiful secret Peach Garden, all had me utterly captivated.

As I looked again at her beautiful face, flushed enough to drip blood, her charming pair of eyes brimming with moisture, shy yet timid, enough to captivate anyone's soul.

I took a good look, then gazed down at the beautiful Peach Garden below, feeling my blood boil, excited to the extreme, I couldn't help myself and reached out my hand.