"Ah! Xiao Yang, you've swollen up! It's really so big! I've missed this darling of yours!"

Zhang Qian sensed my arousal and exclaimed in surprise, her eyes burning with desire.

I felt a bit ashamed; I didn't want to be aroused, but I simply couldn't control it. After all, Sister Qian was a mature woman with considerable charms, her ample breasts and full hips were undeniably sexy.

Her scent was intoxicating, her full and fair body grinding against me like a millstone, stoking the fire within me relentlessly.

At that moment, I even felt a bit regretful for coming here, Sister Qian was just too enthusiastic!

"Sister Qian, do you really have news about Yuxin?"

I turned my face away, not daring to look into her fervent eyes.

"Of course! I've been inquiring for you all this time, but you're so heartless, not to visit for such a long time." Zhang Qian said with a laugh, her delicate hand reaching into my trousers, and gripping my enormous heat.
