
"Xiao Chen is here too! Why did you lock the door?"

Dressed exquisitely and fashionably, Qin Lu walked into the office in her heels, glancing at the two of us in puzzlement before her eyes settled on the colorful streamers on the floor, causing her to pause in surprise.

"Is it Xiao Chen's birthday today?"

She looked at me, utterly astonished, then shot me a glance, seemingly upset that I hadn't told her.

At that moment, Xia Shiyi had recovered and fetched the cake, along with a prepared gift. Upon opening it, it turned out to be an Apple electronic watch.

I was moved once again; the cellphone had been a gift from Sister Shiyi as well.

"Eighteen candles, right! Just the perfect number for your eighteenth birthday!"

Qin Lu was also very enthusiastic, helping to place the candles and then light them. While Sister Shiyi wasn't looking, she would wink at me and suppress a smile.