Chapter 65: Whimsical!

Qin Jiang's gaze was briefly lured by Zhao Yuefei's long, straight legs, his eyes resting on the letter-emblazoned black silk stockings, somewhat dazzled.

The corners of Zhao Yuefei's mouth revealed a playful smile.

This guy, he's just like any ordinary disgusting man, no fundamental difference at all!

"Do they look good?" Zhao Yuefei shifted the sitting position of her long legs.

It seemed like she was showing off something.

The snow-white, jade-like legs, tightly wrapped in black stockings, stirred an urge to tear them off and thoroughly explore with one's hands!

But Qin Jiang was no ordinary man; he said earnestly, "The legs are so-so, the stockings are nice, what brand are they? I'll have my wife buy a few pairs to try on someday."

"Hmph!" Zhao Yuefei was quite dissatisfied; her supermodel figure and heavenly long legs had attracted the covetous looks of countless men, and this guy dared to call them so-so?


Such a hypocrite!