Chapter 281: Hanging by a Thread!


Zhao Yuefei's pale hand, sharp like five swords, plunged into his skull!

Then, with a slight exertion of force!

Red and white matter splattered...

The man with the scarred face didn't even have time to cry out before his body stiffened and fell.

Zhao Yuefei stiffly turned her head, her eyes blood-red as she stared at Qin Jiang, "This time, I didn't hold you back, did I..."

Zhao Yuefei smiled, the blood in her eyes fading away, but blood was seeping from her eyes, nose, and mouth, and then, she collapsed on the spot...

"Zhao Yuefei, wake up!" Qin Jiang struggled to crawl over, shaking her delicate body, but Zhao Yuefei was unresponsive.