Chapter 5 Inner Strength Expert

Dong Fei also had an epiphany and hurriedly said, "Dad, it must be because of Su Luo, it's definitely him."

"Su Luo?!" Dong Yunhua's countenance turned frosty, "His grandfather, Su Xiazi, had some strange and bizarre methods. If it's said that he's behind this, then it indeed might be possible."

In the past, the reason he made his fortune was precisely because of Su Xiazi's guidance, which led him to relocate the family cemetery to a geomantic treasure site. Since then, his business had indeed experienced a surge.

Likewise, at several key points in his career development, he had sought Su Xiazi's advice. Su Xiazi divined his fortune and showed him the path forward, transforming him from a poor lad to the billionaire he is today.

Dong Yunhua held great awe and fear for Su Xiazi, and he didn't dare to offend him. It was only after Su Xiazi died two years ago that his reverence gradually faded and he began coveting the Su Family Ancestral House, prompting his son to devise a plan.

He knew well that Su Xiazi possessed some mysterious and peculiar techniques, so if Su Luo had learned a smidgen from Su Xiazi and was engaging in ghostly revenge, he was somewhat inclined to believe it.

"Su Luo wants our Dong Family to be without offspring, the scoundrel," Dong Yunhua gritted his teeth vehemently.

He then said to the bodyguard following him, "Lin Wu, as a Martial Arts expert of the Third Stage of Inner Strength, it's most fitting for you to act. Go to the Su Family Ancestral House and capture that Su Luo for me."

"No problem!" The bodyguard in black nodded and turned to leave.


Su Family Ancestral House.

After finishing his cultivation, Su Luo patted his stomach, "Hungry again. It seems that, as a Cultivator, before reaching the stage where I can abstain from food, my appetite is even greater than before."

He stood up, planning to go out and find something to eat.

But just as Su Luo was about to leave, his expression suddenly tensed, and he looked towards the darkness behind him, "Since you're here, there is no need to skulk in the dark!"

From the darkness, a figure dressed in black stepped forward, "To actually detect me, it seems you're truly not an ordinary person."

"Is it you?"

Su Luo recognized him; this was the bodyguard Dong Yunhua had hired for a hefty price, a Martial Arts expert. Dong Fei had learned martial arts from him.

"Will you come with me quietly, or shall I take action?" Lin Wu said coldly.

"Make your move," Su Luo scoffed. If he went with him, was there any chance of a good outcome? Thus, he only had the latter choice.

"If I make a move, it'll either be death or disability! Since you don't appreciate kindness, don't blame me for being ruthless," Lin Wu snorted coldly.

He exerted force from his feet, shooting forward like an arrow released from a bow, and in the blink of an eye, he lunged towards Su Luo, aiming a punch straight at Su Luo's face.

His fist cut through the air with a whoosh, like a speeding train, stirring up a wave of air and a gust of wind, even causing a "bang" sound in the air.

Su Luo, somewhat shocked, quickly channeled his True Qi and threw a punch, producing a thunderous noise.

But soon, Su Luo felt as though his fist had struck an iron wall, a piercing pain radiating from his hand. His body was shaken back three to four meters by the great force before he managed to steady himself.

In contrast, Lin Wu remained unmoved.

"You are actually a Martial Artist of the First Stage of Inner Strength, that's quite surprising," he mocked.

"However, the First Stage of Inner Strength is nothing in front of me," Lin Wu sneered.

The First Stage of Inner Strength?

Martial Artist?

Su Luo's pupils shrank, hearing this term for the first time. It seemed that in this world, there might be many more martial arts powerhouses, possessing strength beyond ordinary people's comprehension.

Could there be other Cultivators besides himself?

Was entering the First Level of Qi Refinement merely equivalent to a martial artist at the First Stage of Inner Strength?

Several questions flashed through Su Luo's mind, but he had no time to ponder in detail.

Because after Lin Wu spoke, he moved instantly again. With a leap, he took to the air, his leg whipping towards Su Luo's head.

As the leg cut through the air, creating sonic booms, Su Luo had no doubt that a hit to his head could possibly blow it apart.

From their initial exchange, Su Luo understood that he was no match for Lin Wu in a direct confrontation.

Fortunately, after entering the First Level of Qi Refinement, he had developed a faint Divine Sense that enveloped one meter around him, allowing him to be extremely sensitive within this radius.

In the face of danger, Su Luo quickly bent down to dodge the leg, aiming to punch out, but Lin Wu's body flipped in the air, and with another fierce kick, collided with Su Luo's fist in midair.


The clash of Inner Strength and True Qi created a burst of sound in the air.

Struck by the immense force, Su Luo was pushed back several steps before he could steady himself again.

But as soon as Lin Wu landed, he used the momentum to jump up again and strike anew, his legs continuously kicking in midair like the Foshan Shadowless Kick, not giving Su Luo any chance to breathe.

Su Luo's face drastically changed; he had no time to dodge and could only exert all his strength to fend off Lin Wu's attacks.

Fortunately, Lin Wu could only stay airborne for a few seconds with his kicks, but that was enough for him to deliver thirteen powerful kicks, each infused with Inner Strength.

By the time Lin Wu landed again, Su Luo's hands were battered and bloody.

The piercing pain that followed made Su Luo turn pale. The extreme tension caused him to sweat profusely.

If he hadn't reached the First Level of Qi Refinement, Lin Wu would have been able to take his life with a single kick. As it was, he couldn't have dodged or blocked it.

But even now, the difference between Su Luo and Lin Wu was still significant, and he could only barely hold his own.

"I can't be caught by him, or else my fate will be terrible."

Su Luo felt a tremendous sense of crisis.

"I haven't used three moves yet, and even a Martial Artist of the Second Stage of Inner Strength might not be able to block them. You really are surprising," Lin Wu commented.

"It seems I must cripple you to be safe, and then take you to the hospital," Lin Wu sneered, his face flashing with a cat-playing-with-a-mouse cruelty.

In the next instant, Lin Wu moved again; he stepped out with great speed, reaching straight for Su Luo's shoulder, intending to disable Su Luo's arm first.