Chapter 7: Meeting Aunt Shen Again

"Of course it's true. If I had cultivated Inner Strength before, how could I have been beaten up by Dong Fei and his bodyguard on my wedding night, thrown out like a dead dog? But today, when Dong Fei came to cause me trouble again, I injured him," Su Luo said.

Lin Wu pondered for a moment.

He became thoroughly excited.


If Su Luo had already been an Inner Strength Martial Artist at the First Stage of Inner Strength, how could Dong Fei have beaten him up?

Not to mention that today, when Dong Fei came looking for trouble, not only was he beaten, but Su Luo also made it so he couldn't get hard, and he ended up in the hospital.

This was enough to prove that Su Luo's techniques were learned within these two days.

In just two days, to go from an ordinary person to a Martial Artist at the First Stage of Inner Strength.

Such a secret manual, if brought out, would probably drive the entire Martial Arts World crazy!

Lin Wu swallowed hard, his eyes burning as he looked at Su Luo.

"Su Luo, hand over that secret manual to me. This time, I'll spare your life and even arrange for you to flee the city overnight. If need be, I'll help you leave Jiangbei Province, and I'll also give you a hefty sum of money, a full ten million in cash. How about that?"

Lin Wu's eyes burned with intensity as he stared at Su Luo.

"Are you serious?"

Su Luo feigned excitement.

"Of course," Lin Wu nodded.

"Then help me up first," Su Luo said.

Lin Wu did not suspect anything, after all, Su Luo was seriously injured and had no capability to launch a surprise attack on him.

But just as Lin Wu bent down to help Su Luo get up, Su Luo's chest suddenly heaved, and he spat out a stream of air.

He had used the Blood-Forbidden Technique to forcibly raise his cultivation to the Second Level of Qi Refinement and had gathered True Qi within his body to form this air arrow. He had been biding his time, building up power, and now it was unleashed.

This belonged to the methods of Cultivation.

According to Su Luo's estimation, this was not something an Inner Strength Martial Artist could achieve.

Sure enough, Lin Wu had not expected at all that Su Luo could spit out an air arrow, which went beyond his understanding of Su Luo.

Even though Lin Wu was a high-level expert at the Third Stage of Inner Strength, caught off guard, he couldn't dodge in time and could only put all his effort into avoiding the vital points.

The air arrow did not penetrate Lin Wu's eyes as Su Luo had hoped, but it still grazed Lin Wu's cheek, leaving a deep gash on his face.


Lin Wu couldn't help but scream in pain, quickly covering his cheek with his hand, while aiming a kick at Su Luo.

This kick, even though it was rushed, was powered by pain and fury, unleashing full strength and aiming straight at Su Luo's head.

If it connected, Su Luo would undoubtedly die.

Su Luo saw that his air arrow had not killed Lin Wu and felt a hint of unwillingness.

But he had prepared for this eventuality, so facing Lin Wu's counterattack, Su Luo swiftly struck out with his palm.


Su Luo's palm and Lin Wu's foot collided.

But this time, after forcefully raising his cultivation to the Second Level of Qi Refinement Realm using the Blood-Forbidden Technique, Su Luo's palm was not burst open by Lin Wu's Inner Strength. Instead, it allowed him to use the momentum to lift his body into the air in a way that most people would find unbelievable.

Taking advantage of the situation, Su Luo delivered a kick towards Lin Wu's head, aiming to knock him out cold.

As someone without combat experience, Su Luo's improvisation and adaptability in battle could be considered quite gifted. However, Lin Wu had been immersed in Martial Arts for over thirty years, having sparred with countless people, his reactions and experience were far more seasoned.

In a moment of urgency, he still managed to catch Su Luo's kick.

Swinging Su Luo around, he hurled him against another wall.

Su Luo's face changed dramatically.

Although at the crucial moment, he managed to break free from Lin Wu's grasp with his True Qi, his body still hit the wall due to inertia.


Su Luo spat out a mouthful of blood, feeling as if all his internal organs had shifted out of place.

Lin Wu, however, was already lunging at him again. Su Luo, enduring the pain, quickly got up and exchanged several more moves with Lin Wu. Even though he had raised his cultivation to the Second Level of Qi Refinement Realm using the Blood-Forbidden Technique, he was now merely on par with Lin Wu, unable to gain the upper hand.

"This can't go on, once the effect of the Blood-Forbidden Technique wears off and I fall into a state of weakness, I'm afraid I'll be at Lin Wu's mercy."

Su Luo became more and more anxious as the battle went on.

"A gentleman's revenge is not too late even after ten years. Once I truly increase my strength, I'll settle the score with him!"

Su Luo gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

Then, bracing himself to take a punch from Lin Wu, he smashed through a window at full speed and rushed out.

At this point, Su Luo could no longer afford to worry about his old house.

Survival was what mattered most.

"Thinking you can escape from my hands? Pure wishful thinking!"

Lin Wu snorted coldly, his body chasing after Su Luo like a cheetah, in hot pursuit in a blink of an eye.

"Damn Lin Wu, and the Dong Family, this isn't over between us."

Su Luo escaped into an alley and couldn't help coughing up another mouthful of fresh blood. His internal organs had been seriously injured by the shock of Lin Wu's Inner Strength.

"Su Luo, you can't escape from the palm of my hand."

Lin Wu followed closely behind, his shout thundering in the air.

Su Luo's face turned pale.

In desperation, he dashed out again, deliberately heading for crowded places, hoping that this would make Lin Wu hesitate to act.

Moreover, he had to make sure to shake Lin Wu off before the effect of the "Forbidden Blood Technique" wore off.

"Is this... the bar street next to Qing Zhi Hotel?"

Su Luo, running for his life into crowded areas, suddenly realized where he was after a few minutes of chase. He had arrived at a brightly lit place surrounded by bars and neon lights.

Qing Zhi Hotel was Shen Qingzhi's hotel, named after her, and it was there he and Shen Qingzhi had had their romantic encounter just the night before.

If he remembered correctly, it wasn't just the Qing Zhi Hotel, even the entertainment city next to it and this entire bar street seemed to be part of Shen Qingzhi's property.

"Aunt Shen?"

And just at that moment, he caught sight of a graceful figure not far from him. It was none other than Shen Qingzhi, with whom he'd just spent a passionate night only two days earlier.