Chapter 9 Bathroom

"Otherwise, I..."

Su Luo hurriedly whispered.

He wanted to leave through the window.

However, as soon as he began to speak, Shen Qingzhi stretched out a slender, snow-white finger, pressing it against Su Luo's lips, her expression gravely serious. She shook her head at him, signaling him not to talk.

Feeling the icy touch of Shen Qingzhi's fingertip, Su Luo fell silent.

"In your condition, you probably won't be able to leave, come with me."

Shen Qingzhi helped Su Luo up, intending to take him to the restroom.

"Wouldn't that be even more dangerous?" Su Luo asked, puzzled.

He felt that hiding in the restroom wasn't a good choice; it might even be better to escape through the window.

But Shen Qingzhi was calmer, she whispered, "If the Dong Family has sent someone to kill you, with the way you are now, even if you don't fall to your death climbing out the window, do you think you could escape from the assassins the Dong Family has sent after you?"

Su Luo fell silent.


It had only been a few minutes. Lin Wu was probably still near the bar street. If he went out there, it was very likely Lin Wu would find him. In his current state, it would indeed be a dead-end.

"But if I do this, I won't get you involved. If I hide in the restroom and Zhou Shihao finds out, do you think he'll spare you?" Su Luo frowned.

Shen Qingzhi looked at Su Luo in surprise.

She hadn't expected that at a time like this, Su Luo would actually be considering her. This caused a slight stir in Shen Qingzhi's heart.

"Don't worry, he won't find you," Shen Qingzhi said.

"Stop dawdling, or if it takes too long to open the door, Zhou Shihao will become suspicious." Then, Shen Qingzhi quickly added.

Su Luo, in his current state, could only walk slowly with the support of Shen Qingzhi. He had no choice but to trust her.

Once they arrived at the restroom.

Shen Qingzhi had Su Luo sit on the toilet: "No matter what happens, do not make a sound. Otherwise, you'll get both of us killed."

"I understand," Su Luo nodded.

He quickly closed his eyes and tried to absorb the faint nature's spiritual energy, stimulating the bead in his Dantian to continue releasing that soft glow and heal his injuries.

Meanwhile, Shen Qingzhi quickly returned.

She rapidly checked to make sure that the place where Su Luo had been didn't have any bloodstains, but she noticed a faint smell of blood in the air.

After thinking for a moment, Shen Qingzhi took out a pack of sanitary pads from the cabinet, pulled out one, and temporarily placed the rest on the bed.

Then she quickly removed her clothes and trousers, placing them next to the sanitary pad. Only then did she grab a bathrobe and, wearing just her underwear, hurried into the restroom.

Just as Shen Qingzhi entered the restroom, the door's electronic lock began to turn, and the door opened.

Zhou Shihao stepped inside.

His expression was somewhat grim, his sharp gaze sweeping across the room.


He didn't see Shen Qingzhi, hearing only the sound of the shower from the restroom.

"So she's taking a shower, didn't hear the noise." This softened Zhou Shihao's gaze slightly.

But quickly, Zhou Shihao furrowed his brow again as he caught a whiff of a faint bloody scent.

But as his gaze swept over the opened package of sanitary pads on the bed, Zhou Shihao's brows relaxed again.

He walked toward the bathroom.

He arrived at the bathroom door.

Through the frosted glass of the bathroom door, one could vaguely see a figure inside, but because the frosted glass wasn't transparent, only a blurred shadow was visible.

"Shen Qingzhi."

Zhou Shihao knocked on the door, calling out.

The sound of water stopped abruptly.

"I've started my period and want to take a shower, change into clean underwear," came Shen Qingzhi's voice from inside the bathroom.

"Okay, I'll wait for you," Zhou Shihao said.

He had no intention of entering, merely confirming that the person in the bathroom was Shen Qingzhi.

Then, in the bathroom, the shower was turned on again, and the sound of water resumed.

Meanwhile, inside the bathroom, Shen Qingzhi glanced at Su Luo, who was stupidly staring at her. She slightly furrowed her brows, leaned over, and whispered to Su Luo, "Turn around, close your eyes."

Fortunately, the sound of the shower was loud enough to mask her voice, preventing it from being heard outside.

Su Luo looked at Shen Qingzhi, who was only in her underwear, her skin snow-white and as delicate as milk, legs long—with not a bit too much fat, yet not too skinny either—and that waistline with the definition of a vest line, appearing slender, yet also exuding a voluptuousness, radiating the seduction of a mature woman.

Her entire figure was in golden proportion, curvy with a pronounced front and back!

This made Su Luo involuntarily swallow his saliva; his heart started racing, he felt parched: "You're really going to take a shower?"

With a sigh, Shen Qingzhi said, "I can only really take a shower now, otherwise, I can't deceive Zhou Shihao."

Su Luo's breathing became somewhat rapid.

He couldn't help but think back to that night in the hotel, the nuptial night that was supposed to be his and Shen Qingzhi's.

Only, at that time, after being provoked by Shen Qingzhi, Su Luo held a grudge and just took what he wanted, but it was all done in the dark.

From beginning to end, he never truly appreciated Shen Qingzhi's body.

Could it be, this time, after being pursued and heavily wounded by Lin Wu, he would benefit from this misfortune and get to watch her bathe?

"Turn around."

Shen Qingzhi's gaze carried a warning.

That night, it was she who had initiated the provocation of Su Luo, wanting to put a green hat on Zhou Shihao as revenge, so she cooperated with whatever Su Luo did to her.

But now, things were different. She didn't harbor that intention, and if Su Luo did anything unusual, Shen Qingzhi would be disgusted.

Moreover, Zhou Shihao was still outside, and the situation was extremely dangerous.

If Zhou Shihao discovered anything amiss, both she and Su Luo would have no place to be buried, she did not want Su Luo to be stimulated by the sight of her showering and lose his rationality, making unwelcome advances.

If that were to happen, her saving Su Luo would have been completely in vain.


Su Luo turned around.

Only then did Shen Qingzhi begin to unfasten her underwear.

However, she didn't realize that Su Luo was now appreciating the scene of her undressing and preparing to bathe, reflected in the mirror on the opposite side by the vanity.