Chapter 11 Have you seen enough?

Shen Qingzhi's eyes widened as she fervently slapped Su Luo's back. Whether it was due to her personal wishes or the current situation, it was impossible for anything to happen between them here.

"What are you doing? Why is there a strange noise?"

At that moment, from outside the bathroom, Zhou Shihao's questioning voice suddenly arose.

Upon hearing Zhou Shihao's voice, Shen Qingzhi, whose body had been somewhat weak, suddenly felt a surge of strength and forcefully pushed Su Luo away.

The forceful kiss left her gasping for air.

But she had no time to catch her breath. Instead, she took a deep breath, trying to make her own voice sound calm as she responded indifferently, "I slipped and fell, just slapped my ankle."

Outside the bathroom.

Zhou Shihao frowned; he had indeed heard a noise like someone falling.

"Be careful. If you disfigure yourself, you know the consequences," Zhou Shihao warned, a shadow of menace crossing his face.

"I know," replied Shen Qingzhi, her voice turning somewhat chilly.

Zhou Shihao said nothing more.

Meanwhile, inside the bathroom, only the sound of running water remained.

Su Luo looked at Shen Qingzhi with a hint of apology.

Shen Qingzhi, however, glared back at Su Luo.

For a moment, the atmosphere became awkward.

"Aunt Shen, I..." Su Luo felt regretful at this point; he had indeed been too impulsive, unable to restrain the beast inside him.

It seemed that ever since he obtained the cultivation heritage, his mentality had unconsciously undergone some changes.

"Don't say anything," retorted Shen Qingzhi, her expression cold.

Su Luo knew that Aunt Shen was angry.

Just as Su Luo was about to break the awkward silence, Shen Qingzhi coldly asked another question, "What was with the vomiting blood just now?"

Clearly vomiting blood as if seriously injured, but still acting like a wild beast; if it wasn't for Zhou Shihao's voice suddenly interrupting, she even believed that Su Luo could have taken her by force right there.

Su Luo certainly knew that the reason he vomited blood was because he had expelled the congested blood from his body, indicating his injuries were nearly healed.

But not wanting to make Shen Qingzhi angrier, he pretended to sigh deeply, "It's no use, I'm probably dying from the severe injury caused by Lin Wu, with all my organs damaged."

Shen Qingzhi's complexion slightly changed.

Although she had been coerced into being with Zhou Shihao, officially she was his woman. Having been by Zhou Shihao's side for so long, she was quite knowledgeable about martial artists.

The martial artist from the Dong Family, Lin Wu, might not be very famous across Jiangbei Province, but in the provincial capital, he was quite renowned as a martial artist at the Third Stage of Inner Strength.

And Su Luo was just an ordinary person, yet he managed to escape from Lin Wu?

But precisely because of this, when Su Luo said he was gravely injured by Lin Wu and was not long for this world, Shen Qingzhi didn't doubt him at all.

"This can't go on. We need to get you to the hospital quickly," Shen Qingzhi frowned.

She had originally planned, after cuckolding Zhou Shihao, to publicize the affair, letting everyone know Zhou Shihao was wearing a green hat, turning the hitherto invincible hero of Jiangbei Province into a laughingstock.

Zhou Shihao cared greatly about his reputation and face, thus, this was the best vengeance plan Shen Qingzhi could think of against Zhou Shihao.

Only because Su Luo hadn't left Jiangbei, she had not taken action; otherwise, she could have gotten her sweet revenge, but Su Luo would surely die.

Now, with Su Luo seriously injured right before her eyes, she certainly couldn't just watch him die.

"I'll find a way to draw Zhou Shihao away. When I do, you seize the chance to leave and go to the hospital," Shen Qingzhi whispered.

Having said that, she went to rinse off the foam from her body, planning to leave the bathroom and find a way to take Zhou Shihao away.

"Aunt Shen."

But Su Luo suddenly reached out and grabbed Shen Qingzhi's wrist.

"What is it?"

Shen Qingzhi asked with a somewhat cold tone.

"Don't worry, although I'm badly injured, I won't die. You can go ahead and take your bath with peace of mind."

Su Luo had just said that he wouldn't live long as a joke, not wanting Aunt Shen to get upset. But he hadn't expected that Aunt Shen still cared about him, which made him feel a slight warmth in his heart.

Not going to die?

Shen Qingzhi looked at Su Luo, who was coughing up blood, yet his complexion indeed seemed much better than before.

This also made Shen Qingzhi secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

But soon, Shen Qingzhi's expression turned colder, "Have you seen enough?"

"No…" Su Luo responded subconsciously.

But as soon as the words left his mouth, Su Luo realized what he had said and hastily shut up.

Shen Qingzhi looked at him without the slightest intention of covering her body like before, but her face and tone were colder than earlier, "Do you find this amusing? Are you not afraid of alarming Zhou Shihao and leaving you with no place to be buried?"

Her unabashed, unflinching exposure actually made Su Luo shift his gaze away, not daring to directly look at her lush and mature body anymore.

"Aunt Shen, I'm sorry, I was too impulsive just now. I know it's inappropriate to say this at this time, but I still want to tell you, you greatly underestimate your own charm. A woman like you, calling you a natural beauty would not be an overstatement. Bathing in front of me, I was able to sit here unmoved for so long, my self-control was already quite strong. If you were to throw yourself onto me, close within an arm's reach, feeling your body and warmth, if I could still remain indifferent, then either I'd be impotent, or you would lack all charm. But obviously, neither is the case," Su Luo said with a bitter smile.

Shen Qingzhi frowned and then sighed, "It seems I've overlooked this point."

After all, Su Luo was a young man full of vigor; from that night when he had tirelessly pleasured her until dawn, it was obvious to see.

And she also considered herself, with regard to both looks and figure, not to claim perfection, but quite outstanding nonetheless, with very few in Jiangbei Province who could match her.

Bathing in front of Su Luo was indeed a great temptation.

"Rest assured, I won't peek at you anymore, nor will I make any further moves. Just go on and bathe normally," Su Luo said.

This time, Su Luo truly turned around and didn't even use his Divine Sense to check on Shen Qingzhi's movements.

Shen Qingzhi watched Su Luo's back, her lips moved slightly, but in the end, she didn't say a word.

Instead, she continued to bathe.

But she didn't rush to finish; instead, she took her time, dragging out the process for as long as possible, hoping Zhou Shihao would leave first.

As expected.

A few minutes into Shen Qingzhi's dawdling bath, she faintly heard Zhou Shihao answering a phone call.

Quite soon.

Zhou Shihao's voice sounded outside the bathroom door, "I'm going to check on the casino's accounts first. After your bath, come directly to the casino to find me."

"Okay," Shen Qingzhi responded.

Then, she quickly pulled her cell phone out of the storage cabinet and checked the surveillance outside the room door, confirming that Zhou Shihao had indeed opened the door and gone downstairs before she finally let out a sigh of relief.

Despite her outward calmness and the conviction that, given Zhou Shihao's style of doing things, he would not force her to open the bathroom door.

But all this was happening under Zhou Shihao's watchful eye.

And Shen Qingzhi was well aware that beneath Zhou Shihao's calm exterior was a heart that was cruel and full of suspicions. To say she wasn't nervous at all would be a lie.

At the same time.

After Zhou Shihao went downstairs, there were already quite a few people waiting for him below.

"Mr. Zhou, the people in charge over at the casino are all waiting," one of Zhou Shihao's subordinates deferentially said.

Zhou Shihao nodded.

However, as he was about to leave, he suddenly turned to one of the women among his subordinates, with short hair, and said, "Zhao Li, you go upstairs and wait for Shen Qingzhi to finish her bath, then bring her over. If you find anything unusual, report to me immediately."