Chapter 19: Zhou Shihao's Sense of Oppression

"Yes," Su Luo nodded.

However, before Elder Wei could get excited, Su Luo's words immediately dashed cold water on his hopes, "But even if I gave you the alchemy formula, you wouldn't be able to produce it."

This wasn't a lie on Su Luo's part; the formulas he had were extraordinary, beyond the capability of ordinary people to produce.

"Young man, do you mean that while I can't produce it, you can?" asked Elder Wei, full of surprise and uncertainty.

Su Luo shook his head, "That depends on the circumstances, most elixirs—I can't produce them right now either."

Hearing this, Elder Wei didn't look disappointed. On the contrary, a smile spread across his face.

After all, that was only logical.

If Su Luo, at his young age, claimed he could produce every elixir in the world, that would have genuinely disappointed Elder Wei. He would have only thought the young man was exaggerating and bragging.