Chapter 22 Lin Ruoxi's Misunderstanding

Su Luo directly blocked Dong Fei's number and then put away his phone.

"Could it be that the Dong Family has already made contact with Lin Jiangpu?"

Su Luo pondered in his heart.

He was certain that Dong Yunhua's invitation was definitely a trap.

After all, with Lin Wu's death shrouded in mystery, no one could be sure whether it was murder. Under such circumstances, how could the Dong Family be so confident?

Other than finding someone more capable than Lin Wu to take a stand against him, Su Luo couldn't think of any other possibility.

Combining the two, the likelihood that the Dong Family had reached out to Lin Jiangpu was the greatest.

"Unfortunately, I don't have Aunt Shen's contact information, nor can I just go looking for her, otherwise, I could have inquired about Jiangbei's Top Ten experts."

Su Luo sighed.

He could only rely on the patient of Elder Wei at Huichuntang to gather information about Jiangbei's Top Ten experts.