Chapter 71 The Day of the Duel


"Sister Yi," Su Luo approached.

However, to Su Luo's surprise, Xia Yi also shifted her body, maintaining a certain distance from him.

Su Luo was stunned.

Xia Yi had never done this before.

Although Su Luo did not understand why, since Xia Yi wanted to keep a certain distance, he naturally did not get too close to her.

He sat down beside her, keeping a slight distance.

"Sister Yi, I've come to say goodbye," Su Luo said.

"Goodbye? Are you leaving now?" Xia Yi asked.

Su Luo wore a smile and said, "I plan to leave. Of course, I've also decided to resign and probably won't be going to the office to work anymore. I am very grateful for your care over the past two years!"

"You're resigning?!" Xia Yi was suddenly shocked.

Su Luo nodded.

"May I ask why?" Xia Yi, after a moment of being stunned, suddenly asked.

"Compared to working, I have more important things to do," Su Luo smiled.

Xia Yi nodded, she did not pursue Su Luo's reasons and simply said, "Goodbye."