Use kindness and severity simultaneously

Time elapsed.

A night passed quietly.

The next day, when the morning sun cast its brilliance, it fell onto the courtyard of the Su Family Ancestral House.

Zhou Ye's whole body was swollen with muscles, and his bones and tendons crackled like popping beans, making a crackling sound.

At the same time.


Zhou Ye opened his eyes and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

A look of extreme excitement appeared on his face.

"It's really too incredible, in one night, I actually broke through from the peak of the Sixth Stage of Inner Strength to the early stage of the Eighth Stage."

If Zhou Ye hadn't experienced it himself, he would never have believed it.

Moreover, even so, out of the seven elixirs Su Luo had given him, he had only used five, with two still remaining.

Just as he was ecstatic, the door was pushed open.

Su Luo walked out.

"Eighth Stage of Inner Strength, not bad!" Su Luo glanced at him and said.

He could see my martial arts cultivation at a glance?