Chapter 168 Efficacy

After unleashing the Fireball Technique, Su Luo instantly hurled it towards Lei Yanwu.

Lei Yanwu, though shocked, still threw a punch, igniting his inner strength into a burst of energy at that moment.

The Fireball Technique exploded upon impact.

It didn't harm Lei Yanwu.

This scene was within Su Luo's expectations.

After all, he was only at the Seventh Level of Qi Refinement, while Lei Yanwu was a Martial Arts Grandmaster, roughly equivalent to the Foundation Establishment Stage in terms of combat power.

So, Su Luo had never thought that a simple Fireball Technique would take down Lei Yanwu.

He was merely using it to intimidate Lei Yanwu and to confuse him.

The next moment.

Su Luo condensed two more Fireball Techniques.



Two Fireball Techniques shot out like cannonballs, attacking Lei Yanwu once again.

This time, Lei Yanwu chose not to take the hit head-on.