Chapter 189: Return to Jiangbei


A five-star hotel.

An Ran stood by the floor-to-ceiling window, looking out at the night view with a bag of chips in her hands, occasionally pinching a chip and popping it into her mouth.

"Thump! Thump! Thump!"

The sound of the room door echoed.

"Come in."

An Ran said.

The soundproofing of the hotel was very good, but even when An Ran spoke casually, the person outside could hear her clearly; he didn't even need An Ran to open the door, as he easily opened it himself.

An Ran turned to look.

A middle-aged man walked in.

"Uncle Li, how did it go?" An Ran asked.

Uncle Li said, "Miss, Su Luo has left safely." He told An Ran the whole story from beginning to end.

Apart from An Ran, no one knew that actually, from the moment Su Luo had taken Xia Lianyun from the hospital, he had been following Su Luo secretly.

It wasn't until Su Luo returned to Jiangbei in a car that he came back.