Chapter 13 Urinary Incontinence!

Tang Ye knew that the crowd would not easily believe him, but he was not worried at all, still smiling, unhurried and calm.

He looked at Li Qian, who hurriedly hid behind Zhao Yi, fearing another slap to the face. But Li Qian's anger was so intense it seemed like flames could burst from her eyes. How could she be slapped like that, where could she put her face now?

It was a complete loss of face! She would never let things rest until she had settled accounts with Tang Ye!

"You bastard, how dare you hit me…" Li Qian cursed Tang Ye, but at that moment, Tang Ye also spoke up.

Tang Ye pointed at Li Qian and explained to the crowd, "She was abandoned by her boyfriend and has suffered a great emotional wound. For a while, she can't recover, leading to psychological barriers. As everyone knows, if severely shocked, especially emotionally, one can develop a neurosis. Neurosis isn't scary, it can be completely cured with psychotherapy. But if neurosis turns into psychosis, that's terrible. Because if one gets psychosis, she won't admit she's sick, just like her reaction now."

"You're the one with psychosis! Your whole fucking family is psychotic!" Li Qian couldn't contain her rage, not only had she been slapped, but now she was being falsely accused of being mentally ill. She wished she could kill Tang Ye.

Tang Ye paid no attention to her and continued explaining to the crowd, "Of course, my words alone are useless, but I am quite worried about her condition. Her sudden loss of control could lead to many complications. One particularly prominent one is incontinence…"

While speaking, Tang Ye deliberately put on a look of surprise, appearing very distressed, and pointed to the area below Li Qian's waist, saying, "She... she has already wet her pants, I'm afraid she might soil the clean carpet here."

"What nonsense are you talking about! Who wet their pants? Who wet their pants?" Li Qian really couldn't bear it any longer; if Tang Ye smeared her reputation any further, she wouldn't be able to face anyone.

However, the crowd followed Tang Ye's pointing direction and their eyes widened in unison.

They saw an incredible scene. A spot on Li Qian's pink dress was wet, indeed as if she had an incontinence accident.

Could Li Qian really have wet herself in public?!

But she was fine just before, how could this happen all of a sudden? Could it be true as Tang Ye said, that she suffered from psychosis, and after losing control, this complication occurred, causing her to lose control of herself?

"Ah!" When Li Qian saw the crowd staring wide-eyed at something below her, she couldn't help but look down. Seeing that she had wet herself, she let out a shriek like that of a slaughtered pig.

Zhao Yi, previously close to Li Qian, similarly stared with disbelief, his expression complex as he watched her.

He knew Li Qian's condition; it wasn't possible for her to have psychosis, but what was the deal with suddenly wetting her pants?

He looked at Tang Ye and saw a hint of a cruel smile on Tang Ye's lips. He suddenly understood—the whole thing was Tang Ye's doing!

He was furious, making a woman wet herself in public was too malicious! He would vouch for Li Qian, expose Tang Ye's wickedness!

However, before he could speak up, Tang Ye suddenly exclaimed, "Not good, she still might have an episode. After incontinence, she might go into shock; we have to rush her to the hospital!"

"You…" Li Qian felt that Tang Ye was incredibly malicious, saying such things about her, she was truly furious.

However, in her outraged state, she suddenly felt short of breath, her eyes rolled back, she went limp, and fainted right there.

"Damn!" The crowd couldn't help but exclaim, it turned out to be true, it seemed genuine now.

At that moment, Li Qian was unconscious, her eyes rolling back, almost frothing at the mouth. Zhao Yi, who wanted to interrogate Tang Ye, got distracted, worried that something serious might happen to Li Qian and hurried to perform some emergency checks. But there were no tools available, so all he could do was call for an ambulance.

The ambulance arrived quickly, and Zhao Yi sent her off, then turned back and glared at Tang Ye with resentment, cursing, "It was you, wasn't it?"

"What are you talking about? Who do you think I am, capable of turning a living person into that state? She's sick, okay!" Tang Ye answered with an innocent look on his face.

"You... just wait, I'll settle the score with you later!" Zhao Yi was furious, thinking Tang Ye was despicable and shameless, and then followed the ambulance to the hospital.

At this point, the crowd looked at Tang Ye and Lin Yourong without any suspicion or gossip. The facts had proven that Li Qian was mentally ill and had lost control. The shop staff were also feeling troubled; the perfectly good carpet had been drenched in urine, making it a nuisance to clean. They thought they should have believed Tang Ye earlier so that Li Qian wouldn't have caused such a scene and lost control more severely, sparing them the trouble.

Lin Yourong, who had been upset by Li Qian, felt much better seeing Li Qian just now being slapped by Tang Ye and humiliated by him to the point of incontinence in public. Her mood lifted as she looked at Tang Ye with admiration in her eyes, feeling secure and content to have such a reliable man.

However, she also knew something. Li Qian definitely didn't have a mental illness; it was all Tang Ye's doing.

"You... what did you do?" Lin Yourong looked at Tang Ye, her expression one of surprise and a bit of wariness.

Sure enough, this man was terrifying. Without seeing any trick he had played, he had caused Li Qian to have that accident. Putting aside the fact that the method was somewhat... despicable, wasn't it incredibly amazing to be able to do such a thing?

Tang Ye looked at Lin Yourong, shrugged, and said, "I didn't really do much, just dealing with a bad person. Don't worry so much."

"No, what you did wasn't right, because... it's too humiliating!" Lin Yourong said irritably, but she wasn't really angry. Thinking back on Li Qian's situation just now, it was the first time she felt so exhilarated.

Perhaps, to deal with evil people, some "unconventional" methods are indeed necessary; the wicked should be dealt with by the wicked, after all!

Tang Ye decided not to discuss this with Lin Yourong anymore and walked out of the store. Lin Yourong had no choice but to follow.

Once out of the store, everything went back to calm. Lin Yourong couldn't help but steal glances at Tang Ye, sizing up this man she found both powerful and mysterious, and then couldn't resist asking, "I'm still curious, how did you do it? Although it's not exactly honorable, it's indeed miraculous."

After some thought, Tang Ye decided to explain, "When I slapped Li Qian, everyone's attention was on that, so no one noticed my other hand touching her bladder meridian. The bladder meridian, particularly the Sanjiao Yu acupuncture point, can affect urinary tract function. I gave it a slight prick, and she couldn't control her incontinence. As for the subsequent unconsciousness, it was just a brief shock. One significant cause of shock is hypoxia. I guessed that after the incontinence incident, Li Qian would be extremely angry. At that time, her intense emotional fluctuation would affect blood flow. So, I preemptively pricked a few points on her chest, temporarily disturbing her blood circulation, which caused her to faint."

After hearing Tang Ye's explanation, Lin Yourong thought he was really... very impressive!

Seeing her mood had improved, Tang Ye smiled and said, "What I did won't affect Li Qian much, she'll wake up soon. Hmm, she might even wake up before reaching the hospital. At most... she might actually go mad."

"Still saying it won't affect her? She wet herself in public, how embarrassing. If word gets out, for her, a woman... that's just pitiful," Lin Yourong said, pouting.

She was too kind-hearted; she would get angry when someone bullied her, but she tended to be soft-hearted when she saw the bully end up in a tragic state.

At that moment, on the ambulance that was rushing Li Qian to the hospital, an oxygen tube was attached to her nose to administer oxygen. The ambulance hadn't reached the hospital yet when she suddenly opened her eyes, startling Zhao Yi beside her.

She propped herself up in a single movement, displaying no negative symptoms whatsoever. She clearly remembered everything that had happened earlier: the public incontinence, being mistaken for having a mental illness... She was truly infuriated, her face twisted, she shrieked, "Lin Yourong, you bitch, I'll make you pay!"