Chapter 52 Bold Product Plans!

Murong Huansha, thinking about the offense by Tang Ye, could no longer stay calm, and she couldn't keep looking at the materials in her hands, so she simply closed them.

Concealing her inner feelings, she said to Tang Ye with a serious face, "There's no time to look at it slowly, just give me the rundown. I will catch the main points from what you say, so you need to highlight them, or I won't let you pass."

"Fine," Tang Ye nodded and smiled, "The health product I want to make is related to traditional Chinese medicine and uses knowledge of Chinese medicine and fate. The target customer group is everyone!"

"Everyone?" Murong Huansha was taken aback.

That seemed like a joke. Currently, no single health product could suit children, middle-aged people, and the elderly all at once. Health medicines must be tailored to specific demographics. The needs of children, adults, and the elderly are definitely different.

Murong Huansha looked at Tang Ye with skepticism.