Chapter 62: A Clever Man?

Wang Jianjia sat in her imposing SUV, watching the noisy crowd ahead with an expressionless face.

"Tang Ye, you dead bastard, if you're so great, why don't you just ascend to heaven!" The expressionless Wang Jianjia couldn't help but feel like crying out of frustration.

Naturally, her expressionlessness was due to Tang Ye's actions. Tang Ye had gone and killed Wu Qian, which had caused huge trouble, and that sort of trouble wasn't so easy to resolve!

Simply put, the mess that Tang Ye had created this time was huge, huge to the point that not even the Wang family might be able to cover it up!

Wang Jianjia had just promised her grandfather that she would keep an eye on Tang Ye, and then Tang Ye went and caused such a mess. Could she not be angry inside?

She felt so tired in her heart. Anyone who had to deal with such a man and wasn't angered to death would be the strange one!