Chapter 72: The Policewoman's Interception!

Tang Ye, after learning that Liu Feng was a psychopath with a twisted mentality towards Murong Huansha, felt an unsettling premonition that something might happen to her. Liu Feng was dangerous. Having him near Murong Huansha was like having a ticking time bomb!

What if he suddenly lost control and did something harmful to Murong Huansha?

That was Tang Ye's worry, which had now become reality. Thus, he didn't linger outside for long and immediately headed to Tian Nie Corporation, planning to tell Murong Huansha about the situation and warn her to get rid of Liu Feng as soon as possible.

He was always extremely sensitive to danger, and rushing back now was due to a vague feeling that Murong Huansha was in danger. The reason for this feeling was that after he had met Liu Feng, Liu Feng showed him tremendous hatred. He feared that he had provoked Liu Feng, causing the psychologically twisted man to recklessly target Murong Huansha.