Chapter 106 Product Naming!

Tang Ye sat in Murong Huansha's usual office chair and, utilizing the materials provided by Murong Huansha, busied himself for a good half an hour before he managed to organize the information about the new product he was planning to make.

Murong Huansha had been sitting beside him watching, and suddenly, she felt proud that she could make the wild and fierce Tang Ye sit down and diligently sort through materials.

"Here is a simple introduction to the product I want to create. Take a look," Tang Ye said, handing the organized materials to Murong Huansha. He let out a big sigh of relief, snatched the coffee from her hands, and took a sip.

Murong Huansha glared at him but didn't get angry. She had never imagined that there would be a day when she would be this close to a man. She thought that if her siblings at home and the young masters of the alliance saw this scene, their jaws would surely drop to the ground.

She was actually looking forward to that day.