Chapter 171: Trouble!

When Tang Manhong left, she kicked Tang Ye out of the car with one foot and then sped off in the sports car.

Having her chest pressed and poisoned by Tang Ye's needle made her feel like Tang Ye had violated her chest, and she couldn't wait to chop off Tang Ye's hands!

Tang Ye watched the Ferrari speeding away, speechless for a long while. Couldn't this woman leave him alone in the wilderness? Was she really so cold-hearted?

Luckily, at that moment, Jiang Ruoping called him again. He didn't reject the call and immediately asked Jiang Ruoping to pick him up and take him back. Now that he had reached a secret cooperation with Tang Manhong, it was also time to discuss dealing with the remnants of the "Heaven's List" with Jiang Ruoping. Naturally, by remnants, he meant the members who were unfavorable to Tang Manhong—the trickiest ones being the Dragon Snake and the Blue Tiger.