Chapter 242 Disgraceful Upgrade!

Lu Qingci insisted on learning to box, so Tang Ye had no choice but to teach her. However, no matter which martial art was being learned, one must first lay a solid foundation. Thus, Tang Ye made Lu Qingci practice the horse stance. Lu Qingci did as she was told, and to others who saw such a little girl in this pose, it always seemed strange.

After practicing boxing, she returned to her room to wash up, then ate breakfast. Afterwards, Tang Ye and Lin Yourong left the house, while Lu Qingci stayed at home under the protection of Chen Hu and the others.

Now that Lu Qingci had exposed the secret she held deepest in her heart in front of Tang Ye, she didn't feel uneasy; instead, she felt that life had gained momentum. She began to utilize her "Celestial Maiden" talent, not merely reading books, but also practicing boxing in the house. When tired, she would record her insights, then contemplate areas for improvement.

She was helping Tang Ye refine the moves of Taiji!