Chapter 524: This Child Must Not Stay!

According to Wen Dingmo's style of doing things, it was not surprising that Wen Zhongyuan was kicked out. Wen Zhongyuan's performance in dealing with Tang Ye was truly unsatisfactory, and most importantly, it directly jeopardized the smooth progress of the great Xuanhuang plan. One or two failures might be acceptable, but three or four times, causing a crisis for the Xuanhuang plan, was absolutely intolerable.

The Wen family had painstakingly labored over the Xuanhuang plan for so many years; no slip-ups could be afforded. Tang Ye was initially just someone vying among the noble families, without any clear stance and insignificant to the Xuanhuang plan. However, for some reason, Wen Zhongyuan wanted to get rid of him, which led to Tang Ye's resistance and his sudden rise to power.