Mysterious Foreigner

The true identity of that mysterious foreigner was actually not even clear to Leng Xuan himself, as everyone simply called him Uncle Da Zhang. He usually just fixed shoes and wove bamboo baskets to earn some living expenses, but what no one knew was that Uncle Da Zhang was actually a reclusive master, possessing miraculous abilities that were beyond imagination!

Leng Xuan was an orphan without parents, which is not to say that his parents were dead, but rather that he had never seen them from the moment he was born. He was picked up by an elderly and lonely person of the Leng surname from the side of the road and raised. It was until he was three years old, when the old man died, that he met Uncle Da Zhang who would change his fate for the rest of his life.

Uncle Da Zhang, upon seeing Leng Xuan for the first time, said that he had extraordinary bones and was a rare cultivational genius. If he did not cultivate with him, it would be a terrible waste. So, he asked Leng Xuan if he wanted to follow him and learn cultivation techniques.

Leng Xuan was so young at the time and of course, did not understand what cultivation techniques were, but seeing Uncle Da Zhang casually gesture and a Coca-Cola bottle fifteen meters away fly into his hand was indeed magical. Therefore, he gladly agreed to Uncle Da Zhang and began to follow him in the path of cultivation and alchemy.

In a blink of an eye, seven years passed!

With Uncle Da Zhang's help, over the course of seven years, Leng Xuan finally completed a transformational process, ridding his body of most impurities, and enhancing the strength of his body to the limits of human capability. Uncle Da Zhang then passed on to Leng Xuan a cultivation mantra known as the 'Defying Heaven Art', and said that he needed to arrange for him to join a military organization for a few years to study. He believed that Leng Xuan's temperament was too timid and that he must go through the trials of blood and conflict in order to align with the principle of the Defying Heaven Art "My fate is mine to command, not heaven's". Otherwise, it was simply impossible for him to successfully cultivate the Defying Heaven Art.

Thus, under Uncle Da Zhang's arrangements, Leng Xuan successfully joined the training program in the organization and two years later, he became one of the members of the Dragon organization.

In the organization, apart from learning various assassination and combat techniques, Leng Xuan never stopped his cultivation of the Defying Heaven Art. For the first two years, he saw no effect at all. It was not until his third year in the organization, when he killed his first person, then the second, and the third, that his temperament greatly changed. The Defying Heaven Art, which had not shown any changes thus far, finally brought a whiff of True Qi to him. As time passed, although the accumulation of True Qi was small, he had still not yet broken through the first layer of the Defying Heaven Art.

Even so, within this vast human world, there were already few who could match him!

After retiring early from the military, Leng Xuan returned to his hometown once and discussed with Uncle Da Zhang about his inability to break through the Defying Heaven Art.

After listening, Uncle Da Zhang shook his head and said, "That's because you still lack experience. Only when you have lived through the core essence of the timeless phrase 'heaven and earth are not benevolent; they regard all things as straw dogs', will you be able to break through the obstacles smoothly and become a true cultivator. At that time, in this vast universe, there will be many wonders waiting for you to explore..."

Hence, Leng Xuan left his hometown and came to this bustling city to experience the true meaning of the phrase 'heaven and earth are not benevolent; they regard all things as straw dogs'.

But let's get back to the main point...

"Mr. Liu, may I know what the compensation for this bodyguard position is?" After considering it for a moment, Leng Xuan was already somewhat interested in this career.

"Regarding the compensation, it's twenty thousand a month, with room and board included. If you complete a full year, there's also a bonus of one hundred thousand. Is Mr. Leng satisfied with this?" Uncle Liu said with a smile.

For someone who had just left the military and didn't have much of an education, if he wasn't satisfied with such compensation, then he would be far too greedy.

"This..." Leng Xuan suddenly found himself at a loss for words.