Five-star hotel chef made

Leng Xuan responded with a grunt and followed, only to discover that the dining table was set with five dishes and one soup, all lavish and beautifully prepared. The dishes were matsutake mushroom braised sea cucumber, original sauce sliced abalone, chopped chili fish head, braised fresh shrimp, a green vegetable dish, and the soup was the bust-enhancing delicacy 'papaya pig's trotter soup.' Needless to say, this was surely Ling Xuejiu's favorite. The young lady's bust was already ample; consuming more of this, did she intend to turn herself into a dairy cow? Leng Xuan wickedly thought to himself but then remembered Ling Xuejiu hadn't come to eat. So, he asked, "Uncle Liu, where is the young miss? Why isn't she coming to eat?"