Senior Grade 3, Class 2

Senior Year, Class Two, this period was for morning self-study, so there was no teacher in the classroom.

With over sixty students in total, the class was currently abuzz with hot debate about the school beauty, Su Yurou, dating someone. Ling Xuejiu, who shared a desk with Li Mengjie, couldn't help but lean in close to Li Mengjie and whisper with a laugh, "Xiao Jie, you're really something, you're practically becoming the queen of gossip!"

Li Mengjie's face turned red. Her real purpose for doing this was mainly to smear Su Yurou—why should someone else be ranked the third beauty and she only fourth?

Of course, she wouldn't admit to this. With a snicker, she said, "Why, could it be that you're jealous of your family's bodyguard?" That statement was indeed sharp!