The evil young man is very arrogant


However, the male student's question about Su Yurou being some God of cuteness and the school beauty did sound pleasant to his ears. He thought, 'So Yurou is also considered a school beauty, huh? Heh, looks like being her brother has its perks.'

Students are naturally inclined to gossip, but what Leng Xuan didn't expect was, his class teacher Pang Shanshan was also looking at him with a surprised expression. Suddenly, he felt his face turn red and thought, 'No way, is even the class teacher this gossipy?'

"Classmates, quiet down, please, it's class time now, no loud chattering!" Pang Shanshan noticed Leng Xuan's embarrassment and immediately asserted her authority as the class teacher. Once it was quieter, she then said to Leng Xuan, "Student Leng, go sit at the back, there's an empty desk there." She then gestured with her hand.

Leng Xuan acknowledged with a grunt and moved.