Noble/ Aristocrat

"If, what I said was just farting to you, what would be the consequences?"

The sentence was spoken very lightly, very faintly, but almost everyone in the classroom heard it.

Immediately, the adoring fans furrowed their brows, casting disgusted glances at the source of the voice, Leng Xuan. Even the boys, many of them thought Leng Xuan was an idiot, ignorant and childish.

You must know, although Gao Jun wasn't a delinquent at school, even the top five wouldn't dare to provoke him easily. Leng Xuan, on the other hand, had just arrived at school and started trouble with Xu Renjie, and now he was picking a fight with Gao Jun. Wasn't he asking for death? Although opposing Xu Renjie made everyone's impression of him greatly improve, towards Gao Jun, they only had contemptuous glances for him.

Because, Gao Jun was not someone anyone could afford to provoke, even Xu Renjie did not dare to touch him.