Hero Saves the Beauty 2

"Cough, Bro... Brother Jun, I... I didn't mean to..."

Zhao Xiaotian's face turned pale with fear, and he started to shiver as he spoke.

On the other side, several of Huang Xiaojun's flunkies began sizing up Leng Xuan, and upon seeing his shabby clothes, they burst into laughter.

"Damn! Is this guy a freaking pauper?"


The delinquents laughed unrestrained, taunting!

However, when they saw the indifferent expression on Leng Xuan's face, they suddenly found it boring.

One of them, a student with a spiky haircut, took a drag on his cigarette and blew smoke into Leng Xuan's face, arrogantly saying, "Hey, kid, who the hell are you with? You look pretty cocky, huh!"

Leng Xuan lifted his head and gave the spiky-haired guy a faint glance, speaking in a calm tone, "I'll count to three, and if you're not gone after I say three..."

"Haha, what did you say?"