Amazing Secrets

Leng Xuan took the phone, and just after he said "hello," he heard Ling Tian say, "It's Leng Xuan, right? Please come outside to talk."

"Yes!" Leng Xuan responded and went outside. After he found that the rain had stopped, he walked while saying, "Master Ling, I'm outside now."

Master Ling? Ling Tian felt slightly surprised inside. If Leng Xuan was not angry, he shouldn't have called him "Master Ling" so formally, but rather "Old Master." Slightly frowning, Ling Tian said gently, "Leng Xuan, did Xue Jiu do something too excessive that made you unable to stay? Sigh, Xue Jiu is still too young and unreasonable. Sometimes even I, as her grandfather, can't control her. Having you as her bodyguard really wrongs you."

"Master Ling, that's not what I meant!" Leng Xuan interjected.