Meeting Mengzhu Again

To the right of the academic building, there was a shopping mall, and nearby there was a small street lined with shops.

Leng Xuan asked a passing student and learned that the street had a Haagen-Dazs Specialty Store, so he headed that way. But just as he arrived at the entrance of the store, he saw four or five female students crowding around a girl whose face he couldn't see as they walked out.

Leng Xuan only glanced casually, and because the face of the girl in the middle was blocked by another girl, he didn't pay much attention and simply walked by. But as soon as he entered the store, he overheard a girl saying, "Yurou, you always treat us, I really feel a little embarrassed, hehe!"

"Hua Hua, why be so polite!"

"Exactly, Yurou is a little rich girl after all, we can't possibly eat her out of house and home!"