Another hero saving the beauty

"If you want to know, why don't you go ask yourself?" Ling Xuejiu said with displeasure.

Li Mengjie pouted but said no more.

After getting in the car, Leng Xuan looked back at Ling Xuejiu in the back seat and asked, "Where shall we go to buy groceries?"

Ling Xuejiu was momentarily stunned, but then she remembered that Leng Xuan had promised this morning to take over cooking duties. However, where to buy groceries truly stumped her. After all, when had she, a young lady born with a silver spoon, ever shopped for groceries!

After pondering for a moment, Ling Xuejiu said, "I think I heard Xiao Yun mention that there's a small market near where she lives. They sell vegetables there."

"Eh, where does Xiao Yun live?" Leng Xuan asked. "Why don't we drop by and see how she is doing?"

The moment Li Mengjie heard this, she instantly remembered Leng Xuan constantly texting during the last lesson and couldn't help but say, "You miss her after just one day?"