Very embarrassing

Ling Xuejiu had taken a bath and changed into pajamas, lying on the bed with a book in hand, when suddenly her phone's ringtone sounded. She picked it up and saw that it was a call from Uncle Liu, so she pressed the answer button. Before she could speak, she heard Uncle Liu say, "Hello, Miss? It's bad news, the Old Master has had an incident!"

"Ah?" Ling Xuejiu was startled and asked, "What happened to Grandpa, what happened?"

"It might be his heart condition acting up again, but I'm not sure about the specifics," Uncle Liu seemed very anxious and explained, "All I know is that after dinner tonight, the Old Master felt very uncomfortable and went back to his room to rest. Then for some reason, it's like he became a different person, shouting and screaming in his room. After receiving He Mei's call, I rushed over immediately, but by the time I arrived, the Old Master had already collapsed and was unconscious. Ah, what should we do!"