She is my girlfriend.

Class 12, Grade 3!

Huang Xiaojun was smoking with a few of his lackeys in the classroom. Since tomorrow was Saturday, a good number of students stayed in during the lunch break today, discussing plans to go out and have fun together the next day.

Zhang Hao had just come out of the hospital and was genuinely fuming. He spat out a puff of his dark cigarette and said, "Damn, Boss, we can't just let that bumpkin's matter slide!"

With a cigarette in his mouth, Huang Xiaojun's face twisted into a vicious expression as he said, "Hao, rest assured. Has anyone who's crossed Huang Xiaojun ever ended up well?"

Yellow Hair said, "Boss, that kid does have some skills. Should we make a call to Brother Lei Hu? Have him send over a few boys to sort this kid out?"