Playing the role of a fake boyfriend again 3

Pang Shanshan was on the verge of collapse, truly regretting her earlier action, and gave Leng Xuan a resentful glare. Suddenly, she smiled sweetly and said, "Wei Li, you don't believe it, huh? Fine, then I'll prove it to you." As she spoke, she suddenly kissed Leng Xuan on the cheek, leaving a faint lipstick mark, then turned to Wei Li and said, "Wei Li, do you believe me now? Hmph, let me tell you the truth, don't underestimate my boyfriend just because he's young. I believe, in that regard, he is definitely not inferior to you. You go back to England, as for the engagement between us, it's a complete joke. Legally, it doesn't hold up at all, do you understand?" Then, in a coquettish voice, she turned to Leng Xuan and said, "Darling, shall we go?"