To be a judge once

A moment later, Li Mengjie also came out and sat down next to Ling Xuejiu, saying, "Xue Jiu, aren't you going to do something about him?"

"Huh?" Ling Xuejiu looked puzzled and asked, "Manage what?"

"Your big bodyguard!" Li Mengjie said, "He's really unprofessional, don't you think? What kind of bodyguard acts like that? All he does all day is flirt around!"

Ling Xuejiu very much agreed with Li Mengjie inside, but outwardly she replied irritably, "How can I manage him? I reprimand him, and he doesn't even bother to listen to me, acts like he's too good for anything."

Li Mengjie, grinning cheekily, said, "Xue Jiu, has he really ignored you? Because to me, it seems like you're the one bullying him."

Ling Xuejiu was taken aback, then glared at Li Mengjie and responded, "Xiao Jie, why do you always take his side? Also, were you jealous just now?"