Bad hunch

Leng Xuan glanced at the two young ladies and, though perplexed by their choice of attire, couldn't deny that they looked much more enchanting than before. Of course, he was well aware of his place as just a bodyguard, and no matter how beautiful the heiresses were, he wouldn't entertain any notions. It simply wasn't realistic.

Compared to these two ladies, Zhou Li seemed much more his type...

After a moment of contemplation, Leng Xuan finally asked, "Where are you going?"

Ling Xuejiu replied, "Just out for some fun. Don't follow us."

Leng Xuan uttered an "Oh" and said no more, turning back to his television, seemingly indifferent to the young lady's doings.

Seeing that Leng Xuan showed no reaction to her instruction not to follow, Ling Xuejiu felt unexpectedly annoyed. Yet, she couldn't find a reason to act out and, with a huff, left with Li Mengjie.