Tian Sheng's natural enemy

Leng Xuan was drenched in sweat and felt utterly wronged, as he had been at the villa all along when suddenly he received a text from Li Mengjie saying that someone was following them. She then sent a location and asked him to hurry over.

At that moment, Leng Xuan calculated the time and realized that the two young ladies had been out for quite a while. Even if he drove as fast as he could, it would be difficult to arrive on time, so he called Uncle Liu to report to the police, hoping that the authorities would take it more seriously. Then, he drove at nearly three hundred kilometers per hour to rush to the location. But to his dismay, Ling Xuejiu accused him like this—it was frustrating indeed. However, he was familiar with Miss Ling's temper; he habitually touched his nose, obviously not planning to offer any explanation.