At the Imperial Banquet, vinegar intentions flew everywhere

"Great!" Leng Xuan took a slice of rabbit meat and put it in his mouth, chewed a few times, then began to comment, "Mmm, the taste is still very good, just a shame that it's summer and there's no winter bamboo shoots to accompany it. The taste is slightly different from the last time I had it, with a hint of gaminess, but overall it's very nice."

Master Ling, clearly an expert in culinary indulgence, nodded continuously upon hearing this and said, "Not bad, you hit the nail on the head. Now, try this phoenix-tail shark fin soup and see how it is."

As told, Leng Xuan took some shark fin to taste, and after a moment, he said, "The soup is clear, the texture is tender, and the flavor is fresh; it's practically perfect."