Click click click

"Slap!" Leng Xuan sent a slap flying, swelling up one side of Ah-Fei's face.

Ah-Fei was stunned; so were his underlings. Being one of Lei Hu's most capable lieutenants, Ah-Fei was certainly skilled; taking on four or five guys single-handedly was usually no challenge for him. But he hadn't even seen how Leng Xuan had moved just now.

This unexpected turn of events had everyone's jaw dropping, of course, except for Zhou Jingpeng who seemed to quite enjoy the show. What's Dragon's Fang after all? Nothing more than teaching a few punks a lesson, what's there to make such a big fuss about?

"Fuck!" Ah-Fei snapped back to reality, fuming with rage. A student dared to slap him across the face? And in front of his own men, no less. If word of this got out, he could kiss his street cred goodbye. He glared at Leng Xuan and said, "You dare to hit me? Motherfucker..."