Is he also an Internal Arts Master?

"They're over there!" Su Yurou pointed gently with her finger.

Following the direction Su Yurou pointed, Su Zhenggang was instantly stupefied. He saw the ground covered with dust and ash, where five men were lying haphazardly—dead or what, he couldn't tell. He hurried over and checked their breathing; thankfully, they were still alive. However, a young man among them had both of his arms twisted, and two others had their cheeks swollen so much they almost resembled pig heads. With fresh blood trickling from the corners of their mouths, they presented a rather ghastly sight at first glance.

Su Zhenggang broke into a sweat, turned his head, and looked at Leng Xuan in bewilderment. Just what kind of person was this young man? He wondered how Leng Xuan could be so gentle with Yurou, yet so cruel towards these thugs?