Banquet without a good banquet 2

I wouldn't mind? Pang Shanshan was already worried that Wei Li would pull some stunt, who knew what kind of people his friends were? However, due to the face of both families, and since Wei Li had said this was just a dinner with friends before returning to the country, she couldn't say much on the surface and just forced a smile without answering anything.

On the other hand, Leng Xuan had been watching Wei Li's expressions closely ever since he came in, and by now, he was pretty sure Wei Li was hiding a blade behind his smile. This aroused his curiosity a bit, as he wondered what exactly Wei Li was trying to pull off?

"I wonder if my friends have arrived? I'll give them a call." Wei Li didn't want to keep Pang Shanshan and Leng Xuan waiting, so while speaking, he pulled out his phone and dialed a number. Before the call connected, there was a knock on the door, and he immediately said, "Please come in!"