Miss's parents came back

Ning Xin'er heard Leng Xuan's tone, which seemed even more impatient than hers, and suddenly felt a bit irked. What kind of person was this? She had kindly made a call to remind him, and instead of being grateful, he acted all high and mighty as if he was something special. She didn't wait for Leng Xuan to hang up; she hung up the phone first.

However, she quickly began to regret it because her real purpose in calling Leng Xuan was to ask him to call her immediately if he found Ah-Fei's whereabouts, but now that she had impulsively hung up the phone, she couldn't call back, could she??

Thinking of this, Ning Xin'er couldn't help stamping her foot in anger, wondering why she always got so irritable around that guy?

After taking a few deep breaths, she secretly told herself, "This is work, it's my duty. I must not act on impulse. Hmm, I'll call him back..." Once she had calmed down a bit, she dialed Leng Xuan's number again.