Imperial Cuisine House 3

In the lull between courses, Ling Xuejiu shook Madame Ren's arm and laughed, "Mom, didn't you bring a gift for your daughter?"

Madame Ren looked at Ling Xuejiu with a face full of doting affection and laughed, "You little thing, I don't know if you miss Mom or the gift more?"

"Hey, I missed both!" Ling Xuejiu blinked playfully.

Madame Ren laughed bitterly and took out several beautifully wrapped tote bags from beneath the table, and then from one of those bags she pulled out a small box, which she handed to Ling Xuejiu.

"Mom, what's this?" Ling Xuejiu happily took it, opened it, and saw a sapphire necklace shining beautifully in the restaurant light, truly a sight of luxurious splendor!

"Wow~!" Li Mengjie said with an envious smile, "That's so pretty, Xue Jiu, Aunt Ren is really good to you."

"Of course, I'm her daughter, if she's not good to me, who would she be good to?" Ling Xuejiu replied with a laugh, then glanced at Madame Ren again, "Right, Mom?"