Shift Monitoring

After returning to his villa, Ling Xuejiu went straight upstairs. At dinnertime, Li Mengjie had drunk some red wine, and she was now a bit sleepy too. She wished the "Cold Bodyguard goodnight" and followed upstairs.

Leng Xuan smiled, took a bath when he got back to his room, then sat cross-legged on the bed as usual and started practicing the Defying Heaven Art. However, this time's cultivation surprised him greatly because the speed of practicing the Defying Heaven Art seemed to have greatly improved, and he faintly sensed that he was about to make a breakthrough, which was indeed a pleasant surprise!

But what was the reason for this breakthrough in the Defying Heaven Art? Leng Xuan was truly baffled. He couldn't help thinking, could it be because he practiced the Jiuyang Divine Art, and so the Defying Heaven Art also experienced a significant change?