Chapter 1 Awakening

In the dim alleys of Yun City's western suburbs, a young man dressed as a delivery man was cornered by several tattooed thugs, "Damn it, I'm exhausted... Run, Gu Changsheng, let's see where you can run this time!"

The young man's name was Gu Changsheng, just twenty years old, husband to Yun City's most beautiful woman Zhou Jiayi, and the son-in-law who had married into the Zhou Family. Standing around 1.7 meters tall with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, he was quite handsome, but intermittently suffered from mental disability, sometimes so severely he could get lost.

Gu Changsheng carried a box of food in his hand, his gaze somewhat vacant, obviously in the throes of an episode, but out of instinct, he was still slightly alert, "Who are you? Get out of the way, I need to deliver this meal to my wife. She gets very fierce when she's hungry..."

When Gu Changsheng and his wife Zhou Jiayi got married, aside from her grandfather Zhou Gudao and Zhou Jiayi herself, no one in the Zhou Family approved.

So, after Grandfather Zhou Gudao died, the Zhou Family pressed Zhou Jiayi to divorce Gu Changsheng. She refused, was stripped of her position as CEO, and expelled from the Zhou Family home.

After leaving, the couple rented a place of their own. Zhou Jiayi supervised a construction site for the family, while Gu Changsheng found work as a delivery man.

Every day at noon, Gu Changsheng would deliver food to his wife Zhou Jiayi.

But today, for some reason, as soon as Gu Changsheng had parked his electric bike, he was relentlessly chased by a group of tattooed thugs!

From the side, a man with a scar on his face flashed a ferocious light in his eyes, "Big Brother, why bother talking with a retard? If his wife dares to snatch Mr. Zhang's construction project... just kidnap him, with Gu Changsheng in our hands, what's to fear about Zhou Jiayi disobeying? Mr. Zhang has been longing for Miss Zhou for a long time!"

The bald leader rubbed his head, "That's right!" He paused, then looked at Gu Changsheng and said, "Gu Changsheng, you can either drink a toast or suffer the consequences. You're forcing our hand here, brothers, all together now! Bind him! Mr. Zhang is waiting for our good news. After this job, he'll give us at least ten million!"

At the bald man's command, four or five burly men quickly surged forward, grabbing Gu Changsheng with a flurry of hands and feet, tied him up with rope, and began to shove him toward the other end of the alley.

"What are you doing? Let go of me..." In the hustle, the food Gu Changsheng was carrying fell to the ground. Initially compliant, he suddenly began to viciously struggle, "That's my wife's lunch, give it to me now!"

The scar-faced man sneered upon hearing Gu Changsheng's words, slapping him hard across the face, "You imbecile, your wife is about to be bedded by another man, and you're worried about a damn lunch! A fresh flower on a heap of dung, I can't understand how a ravishing beauty like Zhou Jiayi could have married a retard like you!"

The Mr. Zhang referred to by the scar-faced man was none other than Zhang Hai, the eldest son from another powerful entity in Yun City, Zhang Corporation. Zhang Hai had always coveted Zhou Jiayi's beauty, pursuing her for many years, but never succeeded, until she ended up with Gu Changsheng, the fool.

Recently, the construction team led by Zhou Jiayi snatched a major project from Zhang Corporation, making them lose tens of millions. Zhang Hai had negotiated with Zhou Jiayi, hoping to develop a partnership, but she flatly refused!

If persuasion failed, Zhang Hai thought to kidnap Gu Changsheng and threaten Zhou Jiayi! Once Zhang Hai had Zhou Jiayi, Gu Changsheng was sure to meet a grim fate.

"Let me go, that's my wife's lunch!" Gu Changsheng struggled fiercely, almost too much for the two strongmen to hold onto.

Seeing Gu Changsheng's desperate struggle, a smug smile appeared on the scar-faced man's face as he picked up the two lunch boxes, held them out toward Gu Changsheng and said, "Want these?"

A glimmer of joy flashed in Gu Changsheng's eyes, completely forgetting that the scar-faced man had just slapped him, "Thank you!"

"Thanks my ass!" The scar-faced man's wrist loosened, and he threw both lunch boxes to the ground, then viciously stomped on them, "Damn it, you retarded imbecile, someone as stupid as you shouldn't be alive, wasting food, a machine that breeds filth..."

While the scar-faced man was trampling the food, he was utterly unaware that Gu Changsheng's eyes had turned blood red, "My wife's meal..." This time, Gu Changsheng's struggle was more violent than ever, suddenly breaking free from the two strongmen's grip.

"I'll fight you!" Gu Changsheng lunged forward, grabbed the scar-faced man's arm, and viciously bit down, tearing a piece of flesh from the man's arm.

"Ah... Fuck! Are you a fucking dog... I'm going to kill you..." The scar-faced man, enraged, slapped Gu Changsheng hard on the head.

This slap, scar-faced man used all his strength, sending Gu Changsheng flying before he crashed into the alleyway's wall with a bang!

Gu Changsheng's body weakly slid down against the wall!

The bald man leading the group was somewhat stunned. "Er Gouzi, have you gone mad? Don't kill him... How will we explain ourselves if he's dead? Go check on him quickly!"

Wiping the blood on his arm, the scar-faced man angrily said, "Big brother, this little bastard deserves to die for biting me!"

At this moment, Gu Changsheng's body suddenly started convulsing violently. A ringing echoed in his ears, and a wave of intense pain surged through his head, exploding with a thunderous rumble. Fragments of broken memories began to spring forth like a fountain...

"Without me, Gu Xuanji, the way of the sword would be eternally in darkness. I am the eternal being of a hundred thousand years, named Gu Changsheng! From the primordial chaos to the eras of Qin and Han... an eternal being undergoes reincarnation every hundred years, weakening and shedding for twenty years, strength returning to zero, intelligence regressing to that of a child. To return to the peak, it takes at least three years!

Twenty years ago, Changsheng entrusted the Zhou Family Head, Zhou Gudao, to safeguard Zhou's wellbeing... for a period of twenty years, ending at 2 PM on July 20, 2019..."

Gu Changsheng sorted through those memory fragments in his mind and when he looked up again, the confusion in his eyes had completely vanished, replaced by a hint of cruelty and depth.

Gu Changsheng, with his body to the side, underwent changes in his gaze that naturally went unnoticed by the scar-faced man.

Though the scar-faced man was muttering, he still stepped forward and kicked Gu Changsheng twice, "Little bastard, what are you playing dead for? Get up... do you think playing dead will make me spare you?"

Gu Changsheng slowly sat up, his sharp gaze coldly swept over the scar-faced man, "Kneel! Or... die!"

The few simple words, beneath the scorching summer sun, were filled with an icy chill, as if the alleyway had entered the depths of winter.

The several strong men couldn't help but shiver, and the scar-faced man's actions paused, "Who are you trying to scare... idiot, telling me to kneel... I'll kick you to death..."

As the scar-faced man cursed, he swung his foot, aiming another vicious kick at Gu Changsheng.

But Gu Changsheng, who had just been sitting on the ground, broke the ropes binding him in an instant; his movements were as swift as lightning, and in the blink of an eye, he sprung up. The crowd barely caught a glimpse before Gu Changsheng's hand had firmly grasped the scar-faced man's thigh and with a fierce pull, snapped it backward!


A crisp snapping sound filled the alley, chilling to the bone as the scar-faced man's leg broke...

The bald leader and the other brothers could barely keep their eyes in their sockets!


That was far too brutal... did this Gu Changsheng always possess such skills?

In agony, the scar-faced man screeched like a pig being slaughtered, "Little bastard, you're asking for it!" With that, he actually pulled out a dagger from within his clothes and furiously stabbed towards Gu Changsheng's chest.

"Ignorant of death and danger!" A trace of disdain flitted across Gu Changsheng's eyes; his two fingers easily pinched the blade of the dagger, and a burst of Qi Force shot out...