Chapter 7 Busy with Food Delivery?


Shock, astonishment, and disbelief.

Innumerable thoughts floated in the minds of those present.

The son-in-law of the Zhou Family refused the invitation of the richest man; this would definitely become a legend among the upper echelons of Yun City.

Mr. Ou was clearly choked by the recent 'I'm very busy' remark, and managed a wry smile, saying, "Ha ha, Mr. Gu is still the same as before, indifferent by nature and different from the vulgarity of the common people."

Everyone followed with a wry smile—only a tycoon could turn such a situation around, right?

And all the while, Gu Changsheng remained indifferent, responding calmly, "Additionally, Mr. Ou, since you have called, please do mention the matter of that piece of chicken blood stone."

"Oh, right, Miss Zhou, we have met a few times, but I am entangled in affairs and it is inconvenient for me to offer my congratulations." A token of politeness, a necessary exchange of pleasantries in such situations.

However, to everyone's chagrin, hearing this was somewhat laughable.

Just now you were saying you wanted to meet with Gu Changsheng immediately, now you say you are entangled in affairs—I believe you're full of it.

As for the old lady, she was left with nothing but shock in her heart; how did Gu Changsheng know Mr. Ou?

Mr. Ou continued, "Regarding that piece of auspicious cloud chicken blood stone, indeed, it was given to me a few years ago when I met Mr. Gu and he helped me. I did not expect Mr. Gu to have such filial piety, that he donated it to you today—it has truly found its best use."

"Previously, I was not aware of the connection between Mr. Gu and the Zhou Family, but now, our two families should keep in touch more often in the future."

It was this last statement that directly diluted all the shock in the old lady's heart.

With a connection to the Ou Family, wouldn't the Zhou Family climb even higher?

"Mr. Ou is too kind, the desire for our families to keep in touch is indeed mutual," replied the old lady.

After the pleasantries were exchanged, the call ended.

By this time, everyone's view of Gu Changsheng had undergone a dramatic change.

Zhou Jiacheng and Zhou Jiaming were already speechless, and Zhang Hai was filled with jealous rage... How did he come to know the head of the Ou Family? He must have stumbled into good fortune.

Only the old lady, who had lived a wise life, truly did not favor the third household and disliked Gu Changsheng; but given the interests at stake, other issues could be set aside for the time being.

"Changsheng!" The way she addressed him had already changed; her tone may not have sounded intimate, but it had lost some of its severity.

Gu Changsheng smiled faintly, "Grandma."

"Today, I have wronged you. You brought out such a precious treasure to celebrate my birthday, yet I failed to recognize it. Please don't blame me," she said.

Gu Changsheng remained silent.

That's it, just let the matter go? It seemed far too easy!

If Mr. Wu had not taken it upon himself to call the Ou Family for confirmation, this drama would not have ended!

Everyone could sense Gu Changsheng's demeanor and felt regretful; the Zhou Family had really played their good hand poorly.

Only Zhou Jiayi was naïve, seeing her grandmother change her attitude and extend an olive branch, her heart swelling with excitement, she quickly urged, "Changsheng, please speak up, Grandma doesn't really understand these antiques, you definitely won't blame her, right? And besides, today is her grand birthday celebration."

Ha ha.

This silly woman!

Gu Changsheng took Zhou Jiayi's hand and pinched it, his anger subsiding somewhat in his heart, "Grandma jests. It was merely a misunderstanding, you really shouldn't apologize to me, that would be shortening the life of the younger generation."

"However..." Gu Changsheng changed his tone.

The old lady's eyes flashed a hint of helplessness, knowing that at this point Gu Changsheng wouldn't let it end there; he would have to reclaim some interest.

"Speak your mind, grandson, I will agree," said the old lady with a kind smile, a stark contrast to her previous coolness.

Gu Changsheng said, "It's really not a big deal, it's just that I am worried about Jiayi being exposed to the wind and sun at the construction site every day, I don't know what to do, do you have any good ideas?"

As the words fell.

Zhou Jiacheng and Zhou Jiaming, the two brothers, suddenly tensed up, realizing that something was amiss, anxiously looking at the old lady, who couldn't help but speak out, "Grandma, you..."

But before he could finish, the old lady said, "I think so too, Jiayi is a girl and the work is too hard. How about this, let her first take charge of some company affairs, after all, she is now responsible for the old city district renovation, and it's better to see it through to the end."

"Grandma!" exclaimed Zhou Jiaming, as the position of president of the subsidiary was his.

If Zhou Jiayi was promoted, where would that leave him?


The old lady felt helpless and had no other options, reprimanding Zhou Jia Ming, "It was you who spoke carelessly just now, misleading everyone. Alright, you should go back and reflect on this, and I'll find another role for you later."

It was settled!

Zhou Jianmin and Liu Jinhua were utterly in disbelief.

As for Zhou Jiayi, she was ecstatic, quickly expressing her gratitude, "Thank you, Granny."

However, only Gu Changsheng held contempt in his heart...

The old lady raised the stick high but struck lightly, intentionally squeezing out Zhou Jia Ming's position to give to Zhou Jiayi. Wasn't it just because she feared that Zhou Jiayi would regain her position as the executive CEO?

Today, the Ou Family had already shown them support, even claiming that the two families should keep in closer contact.

But what about the old lady?

Did she really think that just because the Ou Family said so, it was settled? Without him, Gu Changsheng, it was uncertain whether there would be any follow-up contact or not.

She was only focused on the immediate gains and losses, without considering the future at all.

If only she was willing to return the position of executive CEO to its rightful owner, Gu Changsheng wouldn't have been stingy with his assistance to the Zhou Family after that. As for now...they'd just have to take it one step at a time.

A clamorous affair finally came to an end.

Gu Changsheng, with the overjoyed Zhou Jiayi by his side, took his seat in the place of honor, "Wife, I'm hungry. Let's eat, there's big lobster."

Zhou Jiayi, too delighted to think twice, was completely overwhelmed by her joy.

"Mom, Dad, come join us."

Then, Zhou Jianmin and Liu Jinhua, carried away with delight, sat down, the family taking up the seats of the first and second branch of the family.

Zhou Jia Ming wanted to protest but was stopped by a look from his older brother Zhou Jiacheng, who whispered, "Let them have their moment of triumph. Granny isn't foolish. If she really wanted to favor their third branch, she could have simply restored Jiayi's original position. Don't worry; Granny knows what to do!"

Hearing this, Zhou Jia Ming breathed a sigh of relief, originally wanting to coax Granny, but seeing her displeasure, he didn't dare act rashly.

The birthday banquet began.

Relatives presented their gifts, followed by friends offering birthday wishes.

Another half an hour passed, and suddenly the door was swung open, a procession carrying both large and small packages of gifts entered, stunning everyone present.

The leader of the group sang out—

"The Ou Family wishes the old lady longevity beyond the southern mountains, good fortune as vast as the sea."

"The Ou Family presents a Tang dynasty 'Fortune and Longevity' calligraphy scroll."

"The Ou Family presents a pair of glass-type jadeite jade bracelets."

"The Ou Family presents six sets of gold dinnerware for good fortune and longevity."

"The Ou Family presents a gift of six million six hundred and sixty-six thousand yuan."

A recitation of gifts that left the crowd astonished.

The total value of these items was perhaps already reaching twenty million.

The old lady, who had been quiet for a long while, finally smiled, slapping the armrest and said to those around her, "It seems the Ou Family really does intend to keep in contact and cooperate with us. This is a top priority, and in the future, you should make sure to maintain a good relationship with the Ou Family."

The Ou Family's congratulations turned the birthday banquet into its climax.

At this moment, Mr. Wu from Treasure Pavilion slightly shook his head, aware that the Ou Family was there not so much for the Zhou Family, but for Mr. Gu's sake. Considering the exquisite Chicken Blood Stone from Xiangyun, the Ou Family had indeed spent a hundred million for Mr. Gu.

This person was certainly worth engaging with.

Mr. Wu approached, raising his glass in front of Gu Changsheng, "Mr. Gu, I apologize for any offense earlier. Please don't take it to heart. By the way... I still have a question. Where do you usually apply your talents?"

Gu Changsheng laughed heartily, "I can't claim any great job. I'm currently working in group one of X Tuan's delivery service. I've been to your Treasure Pavilion, Mr. Wu. Your staff are big fans of braised chicken with rice; I often deliver there. Next time shall I bring you a portion, too?"

Mr. Wu, "..."

Could it be that when you said you were busy, you meant busy delivering food?