Chapter 10 Don't even think about it!


"Is it your turn? What do you mean 'your turn'... Hey, what are you doing?"

The salesperson was confused, and while asking, saw Gu Changsheng striding toward the manager's office.

She wanted to stop him, but it was a moment too late.

Thump, thump, thump.

Gu Changsheng had already knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

As he opened the door to the manager's office, Gu Changsheng looked at the middle-aged man inside, who also looked up at him, a look of astonishment on his face.

The salesperson hurried over, first apprehensive, then sneering, "Heh, you want to complain about me? Forget about it! Boss, this delivery guy is nuts. I told him off and he couldn't take it, just ignore him. I'll call security right now."

Having said this, the salesperson started to walk away, bellowing for security.

But Gu Changsheng remained unmoved, calmly looking at the manager, "Do you have the BMW X5 in stock?"

The manager was even more confused, had he really encountered a fool today?

But at that moment,

Gu Changsheng pulled a bank card out of his pocket—

Huaqi Bank, Global Gold Card.

It was not particularly high level, but to a car dealership manager's eye, it was definitely recognizable.

The minimum deposit was 1 million, otherwise one wouldn't even be eligible to apply for this card.

The manager's pupils constricted sharply, and upon taking another look at Gu Changsheng's appearance, even in disbelief, his mind started to race, "My goodness, I've seen shocking news all the time, rich second generation delivering packages and food, but I never expected to encounter it myself today?!"

He was stunned for half a second.

The manager stood up swiftly, his professional skills firing on all cylinders, diving straight into the matter at hand, "The X5 is a hot seller, we have plenty in stock. What color are you interested in?"

With that, he walked over to the bookshelf and immediately grabbed a sales brochure, "Take a look at the colors, which one do you like?"

Gu Changsheng hummed in acknowledgment and started flipping through it casually...

To be honest.

He wasn't particularly fond of BMWs and the X5 was too low-end for him. The bulletproof custom model was upwards of five million, but this car dealership clearly didn't offer that level of custom service.

However, since the conversation had come this far, some people definitely needed to be taught a lesson.

Delivering food was still a job, he wasn't some dog in their eyes.

"Hmm, I'll take this one, matte finish, bright red."

The manager was overjoyed, a custom paint job meant extra money. Gone were the days of speaking crudely about low and high-end models. The luxury sports version cost 800,000, and with on-road costs it might come to 900,000, adding the custom paint would bring it to a neat 1 million.

"Shall I proceed with the paperwork now?" the manager asked, reaching out to take the card.

Gu Changsheng casually pulled back, "You can process it, but I have two requirements... First, I want the car today, delivered to a designated location."

"No problem at all, we have it in stock, and delivery is possible. Are you gifting it? Do you need a big red bow?"


This manager was really catching on.

Gu Changsheng nodded, "Then wrap it up."

The manager nodded immediately, no joke, he had climbed to his position today by mastering sales techniques, and combining the current situation, a rich second-generation delivery guy might have a story...

Might be testing his girlfriend to see if she's a gold digger, and then surprise her with a grand gesture at the last moment.

Wow, what a beautiful picture that would be.

"And the second requirement?"

"Hmm." Gu Changsheng glanced at the girl behind him who was gathering up the security guards, "I want to give her a bad review!"

The manager suddenly realized, remembering the attitudes of the two a moment ago.

Oh crap.

He had nearly blown a big deal because of that salesperson.

"Rest assured, as far as training our staff goes, we definitely have been remiss. I'm aware of your feedback. Shall we proceed with the paperwork now?"

Gu Changsheng was satisfied and followed the manager back inside the office.

Swipe the card, sign the contract, a three-minute affair.

As the manager watched the funds get transferred into the account in an instant, he almost burst with joy.

Meanwhile, the door was being pounded on from the outside, no need for Gu Changsheng to say anything more—

The manager was the first to yank open the door.

A group of security guards was taken aback by the scene, "Ma-manager."

The manager barked, "What's the meaning of this? Didn't you see I had a VIP signing a contract in here? Are you blind? Jessica... no, Zhang Cuihua, come here!"

The female salesperson trembled in fear.

Jessica was her English name and the one she used at work.

Zhang Cuihua was her real name, and the manager now calling her by it clearly frightened her.

As for Gu Changsheng, his mouth slightly open—



Zhang Cuihua?

The same person?

The next second, the manager yanked Zhang Cuihua through the door and pointed at her nose, "This customer is now complaining about you for being negligent in your duties, violating company rules and regulations, and wants to give you a poor review. Do you accept that?"

"What, on what grounds?" Zhang Cuihua had not yet understood what had happened.

The manager sneered coldly, fiddling with the freshly signed contract in his hands, "The customer just finished work and came by to buy a car. But you, blinded by arrogance, looked down on them, causing extreme disappointment."

"So, I am now formally notifying you, you're fired."


A bolt from the blue!

The customer just finished work? Came by to buy a car?

How, how is that possible?

How could someone delivering food afford a BMW?

And inside, Gu Changsheng found it amusing, "This manager is quite a character, sensible!"

As the female sales consultant turned pale, Gu Changsheng slowly stepped forward, "Alright, manager, there's no need for dismissal. She gave me a poor review, so I'll just give her one in return, that's enough. Oh, and don't forget to deduct twenty dollars from her salary."

"As for the rest, just deliver the car at the agreed time and place, I have other things to tend to, I'm leaving now."

No need to hold a grudge against a young girl.

Only hope she learns to be kinder to people in the future and not to look down on others.

A fleeting visit, a swift departure...

Gu Changsheng did not take a single cloud with him, but left behind a legend.


The delivery company headquarters.

Gu Changsheng rode back on his electric bike that had run out of power.

In the afternoon, the office was empty; he parked his bike, plugged it into the company's charger, and strode inside.

He knocked directly on the back door.

"Come in!"

A crisp voice rang out, causing Gu Changsheng to pause slightly, yet he found it quite pleasant to the ear.

Chen Xue was also considered a beauty, but compared to his own wife, she was slightly less impressive.

Gu Changsheng opened the door and walked in.

Chen Xue looked up, utterly astonished, "You, you've come back? You, you, weren't you supposed to make up your sales performance?"

In this situation, her confusion was natural.

A lone woman running the show in a company full of men, it's not surprising she felt fearful.

Furthermore, with the company currently empty and several accountants gone to reconcile the books at the bank, Gu Changsheng's sudden arrival unnerved her.

Seeing her reaction, Gu Changsheng knew she was overthinking, "Okay, no need to be afraid, I'm not a bad guy. Instead of worrying about me, you should worry about others, like A Biao, he's not exactly decent."

With that said,

Gu Changsheng walked straight to the computer and connected his sales phone.

Swish swish swish.

A list was printed out, then he tossed it to Chen Xue.

"One hundred orders, I've finished them all, and they're already entered into the system, so... I've completed both yesterday's and today's tasks!"

Chen Xue saw a full one hundred orders, and the last order was settled over an hour ago, around two-thirty?!

A hundred orders in half a day.

How did he do it?

The other delivery guys could only manage thirty to forty orders in a whole day.

While she speculated in her mind, a stronger thought prevailed—

Keep him!

You must keep him!

Such a talented salesperson should not be let go.

As she watched Gu Changsheng turn around, Chen Xue became flustered and even blurted out, "Can you, can you not go?"

Gu Changsheng turned sharply, "What?!"

What's with this woman?

Realizing her mistake, Chen Xue quickly corrected herself, "I mean, can you wait a moment, I have something to say to you."

"Ha, you'd better make yourself clear..." Gu Changsheng curled his lip, "I'm a married man, don't get any funny ideas about me!"

Chen Xue's eyes widened, her face flushed with embarrassment, "???"